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We created a PayTech solutions toolkit to unlock the true value of data

Synechron’s proprietary FinLabs serve as innovation hubs. We invest the time and conduct the research necessary to understand clients’ most pressing business challenges. Our experts then strategize cutting-edge technologies to solve these challenges.  

We promote innovative ways to drive business efficiencies, support enhanced operations and accelerate their digital transformation. We ideate, engineer, and implement operational platforms, digital applications, and data science tools to empower the businesses we work with.

Key Benefits of Our Solutions

Evolve your payment systems journey

ISO 20222 Simulator

ISO 20222 Simulator

A system providing financial institutions with the ability to generate test data, verification and reporting support to enable compliance with new, de facto ISO 20022 XML-based international financial messaging standards. End-to-end support allows for either a ‘Big Bang’ or a multi-step migration to the new messaging standards.
  • Modular, microservices structure and API integration
  • Validation of outgoing messages through field testing
  • User dashboard for status/actions/tracking test summary/fails
  • Enables configurable business rules
PayEasy Pay Later

PayEasy Pay Later

Our ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ solution enables banks to rapidly customize their own omni-channel alternative lending platform. A frictionless, point-of-sale customer onboarding experience coupled with an intelligent and customizable credit decisioning engine that can help banks offer credit in real-time.
  • A Frictionless digital solution helping banks acquire new customers and offer them credit lines at the point-of-sale
  • Data science tools enable quick new customer onboarding
  • Analytics for consumer credit scoring/history/limits
  • Machine Learning allows for a personalized credit decisioning engine
Black Swan Fraud Prevention

Black Swan Fraud Prevention

An automated, continuous system for monitoring omni-channel and omni-banks for cybersecurity threats and account fraud based on real-time transactions, non-financial events and behaviors within the bank, including unknowable massive Black Swan attacks. A bank’s security ops team is enabled with an intelligent kill switch.
  • Color coded monitoring dashboard flags real-time alerts/warnings
  • 24/7/365 system identifies events and abnormal behaviors
  • Analyzes details of attacks, data, and common denominators
  • Kill switch can wall off partial channel, versus whole bank
Liquify Treasurers Portal

Liquify Treasurers Portal

A next-generation, real-time cash management tool that enables the Corporate Treasurer of a multi banked and multi-national corporation to better manage inflows/outflows, buffers, and currencies across global operating units.
  • Uses Open Banking API to connect to global banking accounts and retrieve activity information
  • Unified Treasury portal with highly intuitive dashboard that keeps Corporate Treasurers always on top of critical business indicators
  • Powered by a ‘next best action’ engine that generates recommendations on optimal dynamic cash sweeps
  • Helps check credit and FX risks in real time
Payments Data Platform

Payments Data Platform

A cloud-based, advanced data platform that consists of state-of-the-art data and intelligence features that help tackle key challenges of banks to developing digital payments solutions.
  • Data Fabric integrates siloed data sets across business lines
  • Data Ingestion Framework automates data ingestion and extraction
  • Advanced Machine Learning, Federated Data Warehousing tools
  • Federated data visualization within an integrated dashboard

Prepare for new standards

Keep up with necessary payments industry changing messaging standards, increase financial institutions interoperability, and ensure future regulatory compliance by field testing, validating and migrating your financial messaging operations.

Offer new products

Explore and build new payments-centric products and services for clients in the shifting and increasingly competitive payments landscape. A BNPL digital solution with data science features to help banks create a new revenue stream by offering alternate lending.

Thwart fraud in real time

Flag and fight ever-increasingly sophisticated and shifting cyberattacks and fraud threats by deploying modern strategies, analytics and discovery tools to rapidly assess and kill even unknowing Black Swan fraud attempts in real time.

Expand client services

Enhance key services to new and existing large corporate clients’ Group Treasury functions to provide better cash management, metrics visibility and predictive analysis, along with expanded FX and risk management, on your way to becoming the bank of choice for your expanding client base.

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حلول Synechron Nexus AI

من خلال تحقيق التكامل بين الإبداع البشري والذكاء الاصطناعي، تسهّل مجموعتنا من الحلول المعتمدة على الذكاء الاصطناعي مختلف خدمات الأعمال، وتوفّر الرؤى والكفاءات للمشروعات على نطاق واسع. وتشمل Synechron Nexus ثلاثة مسارات قيمة:

نمو الأعمال تعزيزًا للابتكار

تطبيقات مبتكرة وعملية مدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي، تعزّز القدرات البشرية وتحسّن كفاءة العمليات التشغيليّة للعملاء.

الكفاءة التشغيليّة لرفع مستوى التميّز

حلول الكفاءة التشغيليّة بالذكاء الاصطناعي لتبسيط العمليات وتقليل التدخّل اليدوي والتكاليف وتعزيز الجودة.

إنتاجيّة المطورين لتسريع التطوير ورفع كفاءته

تحسين جداول المشروع ومساراته التنفيذيّة، وتقليل تكاليف التوزيع من خلال التوليد الآلي للاختبارات وممارسات التطوير الفعّالة.

مسرعات RiskTech.AI

حلول معززة بالذكاء الاصطناعي مصممة لأتمتة وتعزيز كفاءات العمليات، بهدف تحسين تحديد المخاطر وإدارتها، وتخفيف حدتها عبر خمسة مجالات عمل مهمة ومؤثرة: سلسلة التوريد، والمناخ، والتنفيذ التنظيمي، ومخاطر "اعرف عميلك"، ومخاطر تكنولوجيا المعلومات/الأمن السيبراني.

  • تحليلات مخاطر سلسلة التوريد
  • اختبار وتحليل ضغوط مخاطر التغير المناخي (CRiSTAL)
  • منصة مُحسِّن تنفيذ التنظيم
  • نظام "اعرف عميلك" (KYC)
  • نظام لإدارة مخاطر تكنولوجيا المعلومات والتحكم فيها (iTRACC)

مسرعات Data Monetization

حلول بيانات متقدمة تهدف إلى حل التحديات الرئيسية في مجالات توفر البيانات، الخصوصية، المشاركة، والجودة، مما يساعد المؤسسات المالية على استغلال بيانات أعمالها بشكل أفضل لتحقيق قيمة كبيرة. تساعد هذه الحلول في تطوير مصادر إيرادات جديدة، وتمكين الكفاءات على نطاق واسع، وتحقيق موقع متقدم في السوق.

  • منصة سوق البيانات وغرف البيانات النظيفة لتحليل المحافظ
  • برنامج توصيات التاجر
  • أداة الاستخبارات التشغيلية لمكافحة الاحتيال
  • أداة العافية المالية