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We created a Data Monetization toolkit to unlock the true value of data

Synechron’s proprietary FinLabs serve as innovation hubs. We invest the time and conduct the research necessary to understand clients’ most pressing business challenges. Our experts then strategize cutting-edge technologies to solve these challenges.  

We promote innovative ways to drive business efficiencies, support enhanced operations and accelerate their digital transformation. We ideate, engineer, and implement operational platforms, digital applications, and data science tools to empower the businesses we work with.  

Key Benefits of Our Solutions

Let your data work for you

Data Marketplace & Clean Rooms For Portfolio Analytics

Data Marketplace & Clean Rooms For Portfolio Analytics

A platform enabling banks and financial institutions, together with their clients and partners, to explore internal & external data and shop for important data via a data-assets-as-a-service paid offering. Data is then loaded into a spun-up cloud-hosted clean room to derive enhanced insights for clients’ portfolio analytics models, with all rooms wiped clean after use.
  • Data ingestion framework, pipeline orchestration, data fabric layer 
  • Unified layer for Application Programming interfaces
  • Data governance and data fabric layer
  • Data Mesh for data discovery and exchange
  • A usage-based Data Marketplace repository
Merchant Recommendations

Merchant Recommendations

A program enabling banks and Payment Processors to provide to their Merchant clients key, customized market insights and business intelligence about their consumers’ spending trends, buying preferences, shopping locations and more, based on payment data. Data-driven actionable views enable development of highly customized offerings to Merchant clients.
  • Merging of Merchant client transaction data with payment data for insights
  • Helping small- to medium-sized Merchants better target customers
  • Navigate the complexities of data privacy/ ownership/ confidentiality
  • Obtain high quality, best value and insights from data in real-time
Fraud Operational Intelligence

Fraud Operational Intelligence

A subscription-based tool for banks and other financial services organizations to share ingested, collected and summarized fraud cases, incident reports and fraudulent activities in near-real time with other banks, organizations and regulators. Fraud data is monetized while proactively working to prevent similar future fraud incidents/ scammers.
  • Identify, collect and share fraudulent activity in near-real-time
  • Inter-bank intelligence sharing to limit scale ups
  • Enables traditional and neo banks to subscribe to feeds
  • Data science-led tools within an Operational Intelligence Platform
Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness

Facilitates retirement plan and wealth advisors to better guide retirement plan participants and individuals with a self-service client tool to enhance personalized discussions about future retirement goals, needs and scenarios. The customizable, interactive application includes predictive analytics and future financial forecasting to enable deeper interactions, recommendations and suggestions for accumulation/spending.
  • Transforms financial planning into personalized Financial Wellness
  • Self-service application and visualization provides for enhanced discussions
  • Leverages data science tools to complement/validate personal data
  • Participants model personal future scenarios with future forecasting

Monetize your data

Explore and implement key strategies to monetize your data through new technologies, techniques and evolving services that will develop new revenue-building products/services and business channel enhancements. Transform your data into useable intelligence that will greatly benefit your customers.

Expand client offerings

Enhance advanced data-driven service and product offerings to clients in areas of Asset Management, Merchant Services, Retirement Advisory and Transaction Fraud through future-looking solutions. Become the business provider of choice for your clients whom they turn to for value-added innovations.

Help thwart fraud

Identify, collect and anonymize Transaction fraud reports, then share them as operational intelligence with other banks and regulators. Generate an additional revenue stream by sharing fraud data on subscription basis with other banks, all while thwarting similar fraudulent activity in the market.

Evolve retirement tools

Fill individual retirement planning gaps with personalized, self-service tools that inspire discussions of goals, spending, saving and ‘what if’ scenarios. Customizable interfaces, plus forecasting and predictive analysis, create Financial Wellness awareness and enhance Retirement Advisors’ role.

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حلول Synechron Nexus AI

من خلال تحقيق التكامل بين الإبداع البشري والذكاء الاصطناعي، تسهّل مجموعتنا من الحلول المعتمدة على الذكاء الاصطناعي مختلف خدمات الأعمال، وتوفّر الرؤى والكفاءات للمشروعات على نطاق واسع. وتشمل Synechron Nexus ثلاثة مسارات قيمة:

نمو الأعمال تعزيزًا للابتكار

تطبيقات مبتكرة وعملية مدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي، تعزّز القدرات البشرية وتحسّن كفاءة العمليات التشغيليّة للعملاء.

الكفاءة التشغيليّة لرفع مستوى التميّز

حلول الكفاءة التشغيليّة بالذكاء الاصطناعي لتبسيط العمليات وتقليل التدخّل اليدوي والتكاليف وتعزيز الجودة.

إنتاجيّة المطورين لتسريع التطوير ورفع كفاءته

تحسين جداول المشروع ومساراته التنفيذيّة، وتقليل تكاليف التوزيع من خلال التوليد الآلي للاختبارات وممارسات التطوير الفعّالة.

مسرعات RiskTech.AI

حلول معززة بالذكاء الاصطناعي مصممة لأتمتة وتعزيز كفاءات العمليات، بهدف تحسين تحديد المخاطر وإدارتها، وتخفيف حدتها عبر خمسة مجالات عمل مهمة ومؤثرة: سلسلة التوريد، والمناخ، والتنفيذ التنظيمي، ومخاطر "اعرف عميلك"، ومخاطر تكنولوجيا المعلومات/الأمن السيبراني.

  • تحليلات مخاطر سلسلة التوريد
  • اختبار وتحليل ضغوط مخاطر التغير المناخي (CRiSTAL)
  • منصة مُحسِّن تنفيذ التنظيم
  • نظام "اعرف عميلك" (KYC)
  • نظام لإدارة مخاطر تكنولوجيا المعلومات والتحكم فيها (iTRACC)

مسرعة PayTech

خمسة أدوات مبتكرة لتعزيز الوظائف الحيوية، وتوسيع فرص العائدات، وتحسين كفاءة البنوك في التعامل مع المنظر الناشئ والمستقبلي بشكلٍ أفضل وأكثر فعالية.

  • PayEasy للدفع اللاحق
  • محاكي ISO ٢٠٠٢٢
  • Black Swan لمكافحة الاحتيال
  • Liquify Treasurers Portal لإدارة النقد
  • منصة Payments Data لتحليل المدفوعات