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We created an InvestTech solutions toolkit to heighten buy-side asset management operations and increase investor engagement

Synechron’s proprietary FinLabs serve as innovation hubs. We invest the time and conduct the research necessary to understand clients’ most pressing business challenges. Our experts then strategize cutting-edge technologies to solve these challenges.

We promote innovative ways to drive business efficiencies, support enhanced operations and accelerate their digital transformation. We ideate, engineer, and implement operational platforms, digital applications, and data science tools to empower the businesses we work with.

Key Benefits of Our Solutions

Take your investment operations to a new level

ESG Booster

ESG Booster

A system for embracing the ESG investment trend and driving enhanced portfolio-level performance through data science tools by ingesting current news, and leveraging analysis across different ESG-related scores, metrics, data, standards, benchmarks, and index/ratings providers, while normalizing them.
  • Provides an optimal view of the ESG universe and future forecast
  • Generates portfolio, individual pillar and company scores
  • Enables clear visibility to which firms are leaders/laggards
  • Proposes ‘alternate portfolio’ companies for better returns


A system for utilizing data science tools for asset/investment managers and credit analysts to derive better insights into the risk/reward profile of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), properties or tenants, and the volatility of commercial properties. Assesses associated risks and performance issues and red flags for early warning intervention.
  • Leverages a sentiment analysis indicator and predictive analysis models
  • Creates watchlist of properties/tenants requiring extra monitoring
  • Enables probability of an asset/loan default via generated risk score
  • Predict and identify stressors and pain points for early mitigation
Digital Compliance

Digital Compliance

A Data Science-enhanced, module-based platform for Compliance staff to track new and changing regulatory requirements across multiple selected agencies, including FINRA, the SEC, ESMA and others, through a subscription feed. Centralizes, classifies and categorizes regulatory requirements and definitions via document ingestion.
  • Automates monitoring and handling of complex compliance needs
  • Incorporates individual firms’ Risk and Compliance Policies and Procedures
  • Leverages state-of-the-art text analytics
  • Enables development of a Q&A answer retrieval repository


A system for collecting, safeguarding, managing, and securely storing physical/digital assets, multiple records, critical documents such as wills and deeds, personal details and online accounts and passwords, all in one blockchain-based, distributed ledger technology-enabled accessible location.
  • Single digital bucket for multiple types of assets including cryptocurrencies
  • Full individual profile can be accessed through a digital dashboard
  • Enables digital estate planning and easier settlement for beneficiaries
  • Storage of personal communications including letters, cards, videos


A data science-rich platform enabling better customer insights/investment suggestions via a holistic, 360-degree snapshot of a customer through the collection, integration and tracking of individual client portfolio information, plus past and current behavior, by integrating data culled across multiple internal and external sources.
  • Provides a portfolio-level view of clients’ allocations, performance and more via dashboard
  • Historical behavior data analysis allows for actionable insights and future predictions
  • Creates a deep view of customers’ inclinations for new products/services
  • Makes sense of both structured and unstructured client data collected

Boost investment management

Develop new strategies and solutions to support clients’ needs and desires through heightened insights and a data-driven holistic view of each unique customer, while building new, desirable strategies to centralize assets and foster easier digital estate planning.

Advance customer engagement

Drive better engagement by exploring different investment tools and digital solutions to assist clients who desire to include an ESG allocation within their portfolios, or wish to build/maintain a real estate-related portfolio or investment allocation.

Automate compliance

Devise new, advanced processes to monitor, ingest and track the ever-evolving, complex compliance rules and regulations through automation designed to support compliance departments’ needs across multiple global regulatory agencies.

Identify hidden risks

Embrace digital tools built to smartly provide early warnings of potential and hidden risks across the real estate sector and ESG landscape, and potentially boost performance while increasing the risk/reward profile for portfolios.

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حلول Synechron Nexus AI

من خلال تحقيق التكامل بين الإبداع البشري والذكاء الاصطناعي، تسهّل مجموعتنا من الحلول المعتمدة على الذكاء الاصطناعي مختلف خدمات الأعمال، وتوفّر الرؤى والكفاءات للمشروعات على نطاق واسع. وتشمل Synechron Nexus ثلاثة مسارات قيمة:

نمو الأعمال تعزيزًا للابتكار

تطبيقات مبتكرة وعملية مدعومة بالذكاء الاصطناعي، تعزّز القدرات البشرية وتحسّن كفاءة العمليات التشغيليّة للعملاء.

الكفاءة التشغيليّة لرفع مستوى التميّز

حلول الكفاءة التشغيليّة بالذكاء الاصطناعي لتبسيط العمليات وتقليل التدخّل اليدوي والتكاليف وتعزيز الجودة.

إنتاجيّة المطورين لتسريع التطوير ورفع كفاءته

تحسين جداول المشروع ومساراته التنفيذيّة، وتقليل تكاليف التوزيع من خلال التوليد الآلي للاختبارات وممارسات التطوير الفعّالة.

مسرعات RiskTech.AI

حلول معززة بالذكاء الاصطناعي مصممة لأتمتة وتعزيز كفاءات العمليات، بهدف تحسين تحديد المخاطر وإدارتها، وتخفيف حدتها عبر خمسة مجالات عمل مهمة ومؤثرة: سلسلة التوريد، والمناخ، والتنفيذ التنظيمي، ومخاطر "اعرف عميلك"، ومخاطر تكنولوجيا المعلومات/الأمن السيبراني.

  • تحليلات مخاطر سلسلة التوريد
  • اختبار وتحليل ضغوط مخاطر التغير المناخي (CRiSTAL)
  • منصة مُحسِّن تنفيذ التنظيم
  • نظام "اعرف عميلك" (KYC)
  • نظام لإدارة مخاطر تكنولوجيا المعلومات والتحكم فيها (iTRACC)

مسرعات Data Monetization

حلول بيانات متقدمة تهدف إلى حل التحديات الرئيسية في مجالات توفر البيانات، الخصوصية، المشاركة، والجودة، مما يساعد المؤسسات المالية على استغلال بيانات أعمالها بشكل أفضل لتحقيق قيمة كبيرة. تساعد هذه الحلول في تطوير مصادر إيرادات جديدة، وتمكين الكفاءات على نطاق واسع، وتحقيق موقع متقدم في السوق.

  • منصة سوق البيانات وغرف البيانات النظيفة لتحليل المحافظ
  • برنامج توصيات التاجر
  • أداة الاستخبارات التشغيلية لمكافحة الاحتيال
  • أداة العافية المالية