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Essential Capabilities for building Defense in Depth for Public and Hybrid Cloud

Chris Zanelli

Director ,

Cloud & DevOps

In today’s environment of frequent and persistent cyber attacks by domestic and international bad actors its essential to ensure security safeguards and multi-layered controls are implemented across your public cloud landing zones and hybrid cloud perimeters within your DMZ. Cloud architectures require a significantly different approach to building Defense in Depth for Public and Hybrid Cloud – basically standing traditional perimeter and domainbased controls on their heads and exposing fundamental gaps in how layered, perimeter-based security models and control assurance alone are inadequate for organizations operating part-or-all their operations in Public Cloud.”

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Essential Capabilities for building Defense in Depth for Public and Hybrid Cloud

Aligning the Cloud Adoption strategy with a layered Defense in Depth strategy will require deeper planning of the Organizational model and re-mapping of IT services to newer, cloud distributed service models and architectures.

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