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Synechron sponsored students’ hackathon


  • Saturday, Feb 25, 2023
  • 08:00 AM
  • Serbian
  • Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Offline Event

In order to encourage young people and help build the community of future innovators, Synechron Serbia proudly supported the students’ competition - ‘Barkod’ Hackathon - for the second time.

Our experts, Miroslav Kondic, Head of Data & Analytics and Ivan Peric, Manager and AI specialist, presented the Artificial Intelligence task: “Revolutionizing the Insurance Industry with AI: Tackling Insurance Form Recommendation Process”.

Miroslav and Ivan encouraged the student participants to be practical but innovative in solving this task by using statistical and machine learning modeling approaches.

Synechron deeply recognizes the importance of events, like Hackathons, by which we will eagerly support students to confidently step into and more closely embrace the world of programming and latest technologies.

 Synechron sponsored students’ hackathon -1

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