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Innovative GenAI tools for capital raising, corporate development, and public ownership

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The vision behind Synechron Nexus Plus

With our focus on global digital transformation and consulting, and our long-established relationships with financial services companies and investment banking professionals, developing a new AI-led FinLabs accelerators suite – designed to address issues faced by all those involved in the dealmaking process - made perfect sense.

That's why we're proud to launch our Synechron Nexus Plus Accelerators Program. Featuring five AI-led solutions that tackle some of the most pressing business and operational challenges faced by corporates and capital markets professionals today, this suite offers significant advancements in capital raising, corporate development, and public ownership.

This initiative directly addresses the specific needs of our clients, enhancing efficiency and positioning them for market leadership. With Synechron Nexus Plus, we're well-equipped to support our clients in the next stages of their growth.

Faisal Husain

Co-founder and CEO

FinLabs Team

Company Filings Accelerator

Mukut Banerjee

Earnings Analyzer

Legal Agreement Wizard

Pushkar Bhutada

Credit Memo Generation

Neel Pawar

LLM Sandbox

Punit Shah

Company Filings Accelerator

The Company Filings accelerator is an AI-backed platform designed to help corporates prepare key company filings related to investor relations and corporate development.

Investment banks can offer this B2B software to their mid-market and SMB corporate clients to assist them on their public ownership journeys.

Some key features include:

Generation of filing drafts to be included in public disclosures including information like registration statements, and quarterly and annual reports.

Risk factor analysis creates boilerplate risk factor information (typically created by lawyers based on corporate input) following the formal language used on SEC forms.

Business commentary, with content produced for SEC filings, in a natural dialect to replicate management commentary that summarizes data changes.

Cross-source verification for monitoring and identification of discrepancies in data points across information sources, both internal (Hub, SharePoint, etc.) and external (social, website, etc.).

Gen AI data modelling with named entity recognition of corporate information from various public disclosures, based on the base business data model, to model complex reports fast.

Back-testing of a robust business data model against similar or more complex businesses in the same industry (at any given point in time).

Cross-sector coverage, with business data modelling of corporate information based on industry coverage groups such as TMT, PU&I, healthcare, and industrials.

Corporate records audit trail of data change requests, approvals, and supporting documents, that are then versioned and organized by the quarter.

Why is Company Filings technology needed?

Key benefits of Synechron's accelerator solution

Earnings Analyzer

Executives and senior leadership need to know what the market is doing; what is trending; where there is optimism; and where there is caution for any listed company. The Earnings Analyzer leverages AI and generative AI (GenAI) to provide intelligence in these areas.

Some key features include:

Search and summarization of public disclosures: Listed companies are mandated to regularly disclose their company's financial performance to the regulatory authorities. We use this public data to analyze the company in question.

Insight generation using AI/ML techniques and GenAI provides granular analysis to generate valuable insights.

Meta analysis of analysts' reports uses statistical data from several separate but related independent studies to establish overall trends.

Trend analysis captures key topics to evaluate management's thought processes and decisions over a set period of time.

Comparative analysis/competitive analysis tracks key metrics to understand the financial performance of the company over the previous years or against its peers.

Why is Earnings Analyzer needed?

Key benefits of Synechron's accelerator solution

Credit Memo Generation

The Credit Memo Generation accelerator comprehensively evaluates a borrower's financial health and creditworthiness, helping financial institutions to make informed decisions when approving loans. Leveraging generative AI (GenAI), the solution automates data ingestion to improve credit memo generation.

Some key features include:

Lenders can auto-generate sections of credit memos, such as executive summaries, business descriptions, and sector and borrower analysis.

Market research: Get insights into industry trends, market size, growth prospects, competitive landscape, and regulatory environment.

Financial statements, credit ratings and key management details are summarized and automatically populated in the credit memo - enhancing decision making.

The GenAI Chatbot gives clear answers to assessment questions posed by loan officers/committees, based on knowledge search.

Customer credit quality and scores are tracked electronically based on data feeds.

High standards of compliance in data governance, credit assessment, and risk management.

Borrowers are sorted into more granular risk categories, meaning lenders can tailor their offerings and interest rates to different risk profiles.

Why is Credit Memo Generation needed?

Key benefits of Synechron's accelerator solution

Legal Agreement Wizard

The Legal Agreement Wizard leverages generative AI (GenAI) technology to generate key insights for faster and better-informed decision-making. This significantly increases the productivity and operational efficiency of legal professionals involved in the deal-making process.

Some key features include:

Search and summarize legal document data.

Compare and review documents.

Redline summarization.

Obligation tracker.

Why is Legal Agreement Wizard needed?

Key benefits of Synechron's accelerator solution

LLM (Large Language Model) Sandbox

The Synechron LLM (Large Language Model) Sandbox is a framework for transforming local knowledge (i.e. any information locally available to company that it wants to consider as an AI use-case) into conversational AI use cases.

Some key features include:

LLMs as a service: The LLM Sandbox provides various LLMs (cloud or local) as a service, consolidating multiple LLMs and reducing hosting costs.

No-code platform: Users can create conversational agents without LLM or Python knowledge, streamlining development.

Prompt services:

  • Prompt helper: Refines user prompts for better LLM responses.
  • Prompt versioning: Archives historical prompts for easy tracking and referencing.
  • Prompt Comparison: Assesses multiple prompts to identify the most efficient one.

Quality and cost metrics:

  • Enhanced quality metrics: Metrics like Hallucination Index, Perplexity, and Factuality Score, ensure content quality and reliability.
  • Cost metrics: Provides insights into token usage, API stats and cost per message - for optimized usage.

User-Oriented Features:

  • Historical interactions: Are readily available for reference.
  • Knowledge base: Users can add files and set pre-defined questions.
  • Evidence-supported responses: Each LLM response is backed by evidence.
  • Advanced plug-ins: Features like NER, Summarization, Content Generation, and Graph Creation enhance user interactions.

Why is LLM (Large Language Model) Sandbox technology needed?

Key benefits of Synechron's accelerator solution

Previous Awards

To date, Synechron has proudly won 34 Innovation Awards across a range of prestigious global organizations celebrating excellence. Recognition has been awarded for our individual and combined technology-driven business solutions created within our Accelerators programs. We have also won awards for our 13 Financial Innovation Laboratories ('FinLabs'), as well as for our highly creative and expert FinLabs teams and innovators who leverage the latest, cutting-edge digital technologies to help clients solve their critical business challenges.

Here are some of our more recent Innovation Awards:

Disruptive technologies, fostered by ever-evolving business needs, goals, and objectives, have paved the way for new opportunities and challenging pathways. There are many tangible reasons for businesses to explore new, emerging and cutting-edge inventions.

Modern, digital technologies can simplify an array of business processes, automate manually-intensive tasks, reduce human errors, slash costs and drive measurable efficiencies.

Our FinLabs Studios

By leveraging our FinLabs, the path to business transformation is clearly within reach. Join us to unlock the potential of your enterprise.

13 FinLabs Globally

90+ Accelerator Solutions

300+ FinLabs Experts Worldwide

13 Innovation Programs

34 Global Innovation Awards

Synechron's FinLabs Serve Your Full Array of Innovation Needs

Sophisticated Architecture

At the core of our platform lies a sophisticated architecture that integrates a variety of components:

Intuitive management dashboard: This control center allows you to manage and track the status of each conversation instance to oversee AI-driven interactions.

Admin console: Create domain-specific conversations with configurable options. Select models, associate domain knowledge, set contextual cues and fine-tune meta-information to align AI with your vision.

Analytics-rich module: Maintain audit logs, compare performance metrics, gain actionable insights for quality responses, and provide feedback to improve model response interactions.

Client integration interface: Use micro-frontend-based user interface to simplify integration with inference services, while easy adoption caters to all tech users. Multiple theme-based interfaces ensure seamless experiences.

Key benefits of our LLM Sandbox platform

Idea validation within the client IT systems environment.

Experiment without the inconvenience of IT, InfoSec and Compliance review.

Reduce time to market for the launch of new features.

Who We Are

Synechron is an innovative global consulting firm delivering end-to-end service offerings and industry-leading digital solutions to transform and empower businesses.

We take the time to understand your business, then build bespoke, innovative solutions that put your business' goals and objectives first.

Our Vision

Our mission

Why Synechron?

Our innovative technologies and optimization strategies for business span six key areas:

Artificial Intelligence


Cloud & DevOps

Software Engineering



A truly global company

Synechron has offices in key markets around the world in North America, the United Kingdom, Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and India.

14,000+ Team Members

100+ Clients

55 Offices across20 Countries

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